Feeding families one turkey at a time!
It started in 1992 with the delivery of two Thanksgiving turkeys to families in need. It has grown to over 1,500 turkeys being delivered for Thanksgiving and Christmas 2020. Twenty-nine years later we are still going strong feeding thousands of families in the tristate area. Please consider making a donation and thank our supporters for your continued help!
Sunday in the Country Food Drive collects funds to provide local food pantries with holiday food basket supplies. Along with turkeys, we also supply dry goods providing families with food for multiple meals.
Although some of the supplies are donated from local vendors, Sunday in the Country Food Drive buys turkeys and dry goods from local stores, prepares baskets, and supplies local food pantries. In turn, the pantries distribute the baskets to the families. From this grass roots effort to feed people, we expanded the effort to include Christmas food baskets too.
Sunday in the Country Food Drive is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization.
Thank you for your support.